black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Welcome to Karalam Village

Karalam's Economic Landscape: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity.

Charming village with rich history


Discover Our Village History

Explore the rich history and culture of our village through detailed accounts and stories passed down through generations.

top view photo of houses surrounded by mountain
top view photo of houses surrounded by mountain
gray brick houses under dark cloudy sky
gray brick houses under dark cloudy sky

Geography and Demographics

Learn about the location, population, and other relevant data that make our village unique and vibrant.

Home Services Title

Explore our home services that cater to all your needs and make your home a better place.

bird's-eye view photography of bridge
bird's-eye view photography of bridge
a dog standing on top of a roof next to a tall tower
a dog standing on top of a roof next to a tall tower
Upcoming Events Section

Stay updated on upcoming village events and activities that you wouldn't want to miss out on.

Village History Section

Discover the rich history of our village and learn about its fascinating past and heritage.

Home Village

Explore the charm of our village through our website.

concrete houses on rocky hill beside large body of water during nighttime
concrete houses on rocky hill beside large body of water during nighttime
Upcoming Events Section

Stay updated on village events and activities.

grayscale photography of houses beside river
grayscale photography of houses beside river
Village History

Discover the rich history of our quaint village.

aerial photography of houses above green mountain
aerial photography of houses above green mountain
a red bird sitting on a branch of a tree
a red bird sitting on a branch of a tree
Geography & Demographics

Learn about the location, population, and more.

Village Map

Explore important landmarks with our interactive village map.